Giving Back

I tithe between 5-50% of the profits from my courses and one-to-one work to three phenomenal charities who are doing important work to empower women, educate girls, and tend to our planet.

That means that as you grow your own business, you’ll also be planting seeds of hope for women and our earth. Thank you!   

City of Joy

My hero Eve Ensler co-created the city of joy to support women survivors of sexual violence in the Congo. In the City of Joy women receive surgery to repair their broken bodies, therapy to help them heal trauma and training to become leaders in their communities. I cry with joy whenever I think of this brilliant beacon of hope and possibility.


I’m honoured to have supported the seedling of TreeSisters to grow into a sapling during my two years as a volunteer, and three years as communications director. Now she has grown into a flourishing tree – planting over 2 million trees a year in the tropics, through a global network of over 250,000 passionate and dedicated earth activist women.


In Mozambique, the word ‘Kurandza’ means ‘to love’. We now know that educating girls is one of the keys to ending poverty and supporting entire communities to thrive. Kurandza is using this ‘girl effect’ by funding education for young girls, so they can avoid HIV contraction, have access to jobs, earn a higher income, escape child marriage, and most of all, dream.

I am a Kurandza Giveback partner, which means that I donate $50 from my business revenue to Kurandza’s cause every month. 

Photo Credit Kurandza